Prenuptuial and Post-nuptual Agreements

Though people commonly believe that prenuptial or postnuptial agreements are only for rich couples, in fact, depending on your circumstances, such agreements can offer predictability and protection to both spouses.

Why do I need a formal agreement?

There are several reasons you may want a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, including:

  • Significant marital assets
  • You or your spouse has a business or professional practice
  • You want to protect assets for children from a previous marriage
  • You or your spouse expects a large future inheritance

When you have a prenuptial agreement it can help you to minimize disputes if your marriage fails.  Further, a prenuptial agreement can provide you with security and predictability in the event your spouse dies. Read More

Typically, anything that you’d include in a prenuptial agreement can be included in a post-nuptial agreement and has the same purpose as a prenuptial—to protect both you and your spouse fairly.  There is no set formula for either agreement because each marriage is unique and the agreements are tailored made for your circumstances.

Talk to a Long Island prenuptial attorney today

Entering into prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements with your spouse serves to protect your rights and financial future and can help to reduce disputes and offers security in the event of death or divorce.  Talk to an experienced New York prenuptial attorney today to discuss your options for a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement.